Friday, May 30, 2008

A High Note

While the beginning of this week was a low point for me, Thursday was a refreshing change. Both Yosuke and Miki have been in something of a slump recently; for the past two weeks or so, they've been unable to come up with answers to anything. While I can handle a bad day or two, it starts to drain me after a while.

I went prepared with a math lesson plan when I went to tutor Miki yesterday, but she had a huge homework assignment that took up all our time. She had to answer several questions related to her physics project. I cringed inwardly, thinking that teaching Miki the material and then getting her to solve the problems might as well be a fantasy. But she surprised me in her ability to work them. She wasn't perfect, of course, but her problem-solving ability was better than I've ever seen it. Either she was having a good day, or she has a knack for physics, or both. (Or maybe it was my amazing teaching ability! ...) I left feeling like we accomplished a lot.

Then I had to do some English EOC practice with Yosuke. Usually trying to get him to analyze is nerve-wracking at best, but it was actually enjoyable yesterday. He was better than usual, and he even surprised me at one point by how well he understood one of the sentences he had to analyze. (He wasn't able to answer the question correctly, however, because he didn't understand the choices very well. Alas!) He seemed like he learned a bit, too, which makes it all worth it.

This week definitely ended on a high note. This weekend, I'll plan lessons for both Miki and Yosuke so that next week won't be as stressful (hopefully).

1 comment:

Mina's_dad said...

Yippee! You were due.